Favorite Left-Of-Center BloggerI did find it interesting the Instapundit won "Best Blog Round-Up Site" and "Best Linker", came in second in "The Best Blog Overall", and yet also won "Most Overrated Blog". I don't understand.
3) Matthew Yglesias (3)
3) Harry's Place (No blogger specified) (3)
3) Norm Geras from Normblog (3)
2) Mickey Kaus from Kausfiles(7)
1) Kevin Drum from Political Animal(8)
Monday, December 05, 2005
The 4th Annual Warblogger Awards
John Hawkings, at Right Wing News, has posted the results of the 4th Annual Warblogger Awards. In addition to just being interesting to see what blogs are popular, I found it a good source for some new blogs to read. In particular, I'm always on the lookout for palatable left-of-center blogs, finding Kos and such to be unreadable. So this category was intriguing to me: