Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Alito Media Circus

I'm having a hard time finding topics to blog about these last few days. The news has been dominated by the Alito confirmation hearings, a topic which I find particularly uninteresting. For those that are of a like mind with me and would just rather the whole thing would be done with, here are the highlights of what is going to happen.
  • Democratic senators will make opening statements that have very little to do with the Supreme Court and very much to do with their hatred of President Bush. They will be very smug while they do this.
  • Republican senators will make opening statements that have very little to do with the Supreme Court and very much to do with their hatred of the people who just made the negative statements about President Bush. They will be equally smug while they do this.
  • The media and the Democratic senators will repeatedly ask Alito how he will rule on abortion cases.
  • Alito will repeatedly remind the senators that a good judge only responsibility is the rule of law and that it would be inappropriate to answer such questions.
  • Liberal, moonbat bloggers will go ape over his refusal to answer such questions. They will dig up mountains of records that try to prove Alito is fascist, a Nazi, racist, etc.
  • Conservative, anti-abortion-crazed bloggers will go ape over many things including the questions asked by the liberal Senators, the postings at the liberal blogs and the bias in the media coverage.
  • A few of the most liberal senators will threaten a filibuster.
  • In the end, a very qualified judge will be approved, thus making the entire series of events outlined above meaningless and tiresome.
I suppose there is a small chance that something interesting happens. Alito could snap under the constant barage of stupid questions, but I doubt it. Pressure from the moonbats could cause the Democrats to actually try a filibuster for real, instead of threatening it, but I doubt it.

Now to find something more worthy to blog about.